
How do you configure QIE to work with a Proxy?

+1 vote
asked Jul 8, 2013 by ron-s-6919 (4,480 points)
I am unable to retrieve my QIE license from the Qvera servers because my network requires a proxy.

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

To configure Version 2.0.41 and above  to work with a proxy do the following:

1. Click on "System Administration"

2. Click on "System Configuration"

3. Scroll down to the bottom and click on "Show Advanced Settings"

4. Keep scrolling down to the "Http/Https Proxy Settings"

a. Check the "Use Proxy" checkbox

b. Enter the hostname/ip address for the proxy in "Proxy Host:" Box

c. Enter the port for hte proxy in the "Port:" Box

d. "Non Proxy Hosts" is used to specify hosts you do not want to use the proxy server.

1. Multiple Hostnames can be entered separated by a pipe "|". Example "localhost||10.*.*.*|etc"
2. WildCard values can be entered. Example "10.*.*.*"
    Note: When using DNS name a fully qualified name is required as they will not work with a wild card.


answered Mar 24, 2016 by brandon-w-8204 (33,270 points)
+2 votes
The following settings can be set in any version however QIE version 2.0.41 and above have this in the system configuration for easy setup. See the other answer in this question.
To configure a proxy host, use the following java options:
for additional details, see the QIE Install Guide.  The QIE Install Guide is available under the Help menu in QIE.
NOTE: If you have already configured a proxy, but need to access a specific endpoint without going through the proxy, then you will need to use the nonProxyHosts options listed above.
answered Jul 8, 2013 by ron-s-6919 (4,480 points)
edited Mar 24, 2016 by brandon-w-8204