Save this function as a published function:
function getQueryParameterValues(urlQuery,parameterKey) {
// Validate: return an empty array when the URL query or parameterKey are empty
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(urlQuery)) {
return [];
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parameterKey)) {
return [];
var parameterValues = [];
try {
//Split out the query string portion if we got a complete URL
var urlParts = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(urlQuery, "?");
// If no "?", treat the entire string as the queryParameters.
var queryParams = urlParts.length > 1 ? urlParts[1] : urlParts[0];
//Split into key value pairs
var keyPairs = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(queryParams, "&");
// Cycle through key-value pairs, collecting all values for the parameter
for (var i = 0; i < keyPairs.length; i++) {
var keyValueParts = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(keyPairs[i], "=");
if (keyValueParts.length == 2 && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(keyValueParts[0], parameterKey)) {
} catch (err) {
throw "Failed to getQueryParameterValues: " + err;
return parameterValues;
This function helps you extract all values associated with a specific key from a URL query string. Here's how it works:
: This is the query string containing the query portion of a URL, typically everything after the ?
: This is the specific key you want to extract values for (e.g., "facility", "specialty").
The function returns an array containing all the values associated with the provided parameterKey
. If the key is not found or the URL query is invalid, it returns an empty array.
Example Usage:
var queryString = source.getNode('/Request/QueryString');
//When parameter only has one value
var names = getQueryParameterValues(queryString, "facility");"Facility: " + names[0]);
//When parameter has more than one value
var aliases = getQueryParameterValues(queryString, "specialty");
for (var i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++) {"Specialty " + (i + 1) + ": " + aliases[i]);
This example retrieves all values for the key "specialty" from the given URL and prints them to the console.
Facility: south
Specialty1: Nephrology
Specialty2: Neurology
Specialty3: Psychiatry
See also:
Handling HTTP requests and responses
Processing Requests in mapping nodes via HTTP Listener source node