
HL7 Schemas for Mapping Functions

0 votes
asked Apr 28, 2021 by robert-h-3119 (150 points)
Hi all,


I'm very new to QIE, and I come from an Intersystems background. So I am trying to set up a mapping function that converts a ORU^R04 to an MDM^T02. I loaded a sample message for each into the channel cache, but I don't see a way to call out something like a "for each PIDGroup" or something to that effect. The way that I would accomplish this in an Intersystems environment would be a transform with the associated message schemas that have those groups and repetitions defined. Is there something similar in QIE that I am missing? Thanks for any help, still trying to learn my way around the platform.


1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

I've sent you an email to take a look at your specific scenario, but in general you can group HL7 segments together using HPATH.  For example, to get all the repeating segments in an ORC group, you would use 


Here is another KB with some examples that may be relevant:

answered Apr 29, 2021 by jon-t-7005 (7,590 points)
selected May 3, 2021 by robert-h-3119
commented May 3, 2021 by robert-h-3119 (150 points)
Thanks so much Jon. Really appreciate the link as well as the call to get me on the right track!