
How can i convert a csv with multiple rows into multiple HL7 message for each row?

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asked Apr 20, 2021 by deepthi-a-5184 (240 points)
Here is my source csv file: "Patient ID","Patient First Name","Patient Last Name","Patient DOB","Patient Gender","Patient Address Line1","Patient Address Line2","Patient City","Patient State","Patient Zip Code","Patient Home Phone","Patient Email Address","Primary Insurance Policy Company Name","Primary Insurance Policy Number","Primary Insurance Policy Group Number" "1","test","abc","19800819","F","flat 1 road no A","xyz colony","Hyderabad","Telangana","500097","987-889-5858","","","","" "2","test","def","19800819","F","flat 1 road no A","xyz colony","Hyderabad","Telangana","500097","987-889-5858","","","","" "3","test","ghi","19800819","F","flat 1 road no A","xyz colony","Hyderabad","Telangana","500097","987-889-5858","","","",""

1 Answer

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Please see the following KB article, which addresses a similar situation:
answered Apr 20, 2021 by jon-t-7005 (7,990 points)