
Can I provision a service account for the JBOSS Web Service to be used in QIE?

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asked Oct 10, 2013 by gary-t-8719 (15,030 points)
The Web Service in QIE that connects to the Centricty JBOSS Service which is used to obtain the CCD from Centricity requires a user name and password. What user and password is required here, and can a service account be setup?

1 Answer

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The Web Service connection in QIE that is used to connect to the Centricity JBOSS service to acquire a CCD requires a Centricity logon User Name and Password.

This account can be an existing account or a service account created for the use in QIE. The minimum permissions required for this user account are:

1. Export Clinical Summary Document

2. View Charts

Note: When creating a new account in Centricity it is required that the account is used at least once to log into Centricity before it will work in QIE.

answered Oct 10, 2013 by gary-t-8719 (15,030 points)
selected Dec 17, 2013 by ron-s-6919