
How to store the IHE Response in a file?

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asked Nov 7, 2017 by aritra-k-6337 (400 points)
I am newbie in Qvera and trying to explore more it's features. I am trying to accomplish the following task and required some guidance on it:

I am trying to connect an IHE Server and fetch the response from it. To do this, I have created a web service connection and selected IHE Profiles as type, updated the EndPoint URL & select XCPD Patient Query as Operation. Now I have created a simple channel where I am looking for the ITI 55 message from a file path and send the message to the web service destination. Now where I need to configure the response part? What should I mention the Mapping to store the response to a file?

1 Answer

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One suggestion would be to use a mapping node instead of a destination node. Then you can have your response from the IHE go to your destination node as a file.


answered Nov 7, 2017 by michael-h-5027 (14,350 points)
commented Nov 8, 2017 by aritra-k-6337 (400 points)
I have tried the configuration which you suggested. However, I am getting the below error. Please note that the endpoint: connection was successful and the message was correct.

[func: 1 line: 110] WrappedException: Wrapped com.qvera.qie.exception.NoResultsException: Error calling Web Service 'Gazelle': java.lang.Exception: Http Status: 500 Internal Server Error

----------fault message begin----------
Fault Code: soap:Sender
Fault Reason: Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri:"urn:hl7-org:v3", local:"LivingSubjectId")...
commented Nov 8, 2017 by brandon-w-8204 (33,270 points)
The fault message is coming back from the gazelle endpoint: In your message to them it appears they are expecting the element LivingSubjectId.