
Can I filter what documents the Reconcile form gets from adhoc query

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asked Sep 16, 2015 by brandon-w-8204 (33,270 points)
I am using the CCD Reconcile form and want to control what document gets used vs just using the first one in the list.

1 Answer

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You can control what document is retrieved in the "CCD REC: queryHIEForCCD" channel. The default is to get the first document returned in the adHoc response from the HIE's Registry (ITI-18). You can modify what ID is used in the following mapping node:


Here is an example xpath that can be used to get only documents that have "RelayHealth" as the author institution.

//ExtrinsicObject[Classification/Slot/@name='authorInstitution' and Classification/Slot/ValueList/Value='RelayHealth']/Slot/@name='repositoryUniqueId']/ValueList/Value/text()

answered Sep 16, 2015 by brandon-w-8204 (33,270 points)