
Are there some guidelines or recommendations for setting up the Error Management options on a channel.

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asked Jul 2, 2015 by gary-t-8719 (15,030 points)

1 Answer

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Channel Error Management

QIE comes with many error management options. These options can be setup in a myriad of different ways. Note: It is important to understand that all of the error settings deal with the number of "attempts" to send a message with the exception of the "Stop after X consecutive erred messages" which deals with the number of messages that error (i.e. error tab).

Example of send/receive errors are:

  • Connection refused errors
  • ACK Script throw errors
  • qie.throwSendError()
  • File not found errors
  • Path not found errors
  • HTTP error codes (e.g. 401 - Unauthorized access, 500 - Internal Server Error)


Channel Error Management Tab Options

Feature Description
Override Each new channel will pick up the default error management settings specified under System Administration
Pause X milliseconds after each send or receive errors Causes QIE to wait the specified amount of time before attempting to resend a message that received an exception error while trying to send the message
Alert every X consecutive send or receive errors with alert on first error Helps reduce the amount of alert emails that get triggered out. Setting this to 1 with the Alert on first error box checked would send out 2 email alerts for every 11 exceptions
Error msg after X consecutive send errors Causes a message to error to the error queue (i.e. error tab) after X failed attempts to send a message.
Stop after X consecutive send errors Causes the channel to stop after a message fails to send on a given destination node for the given number of attempts specified
Stop after X consecutive Receive errors Causes the channel to stop after a message fails to be received on the source node for the given number of attempts specified
Stop after X consecutive erred messages Causes the channel to stop after X number of messages fail to be sent and go to the error queue
Attempt to keep channel running Monitors the channel and restarts it if the channel stops for any of above stop actions or if the channel stops unexpectedly (i.e. not purposely stopped). When this action is triggered an admin alert will be sent out


Example Configurations

1. The following configuration will cause QIE to never error a message, and continue to retry sending the message indefinitely. In addition QIE will send out an Admin alert for every 10 exceptions, and perform a restart of the channel after every 15 attempts to send the message. 

Feature Setting
Pause X milliseconds after each send or receive errors 5000
Alert every X consecutive send or receive errors with Alert on first error 10 with the Alert on first error checked
Error msg after X consecutive send errors Disabled
Stop after X consecutive send errors 15
Stop after X consecutive receive errors Disabled
Stop after X consecutive erred messages Disabled
Attempt to keep channel running Checked with pause of 60 seconds before restart
ACK Script Max Resends (on destination node) 99999


2. The following settings will cause QIE to error a given message after 5 attempts to resend a message and then stop the channel after 10 consecutive exception errors. Note: with this setup if the first message fails to send after 5 attempts then it will be added to the error queue. If the next message inline also fails to send after 5 attempts then it too will be added to the error queue but then will also meet the condition to stop the channel after 10 consecutive send errors thus stopping the channel while only affecting 2 messages.

Feature Setting
Pause X milliseconds after each send or receive errors 5000
Alert every X consecutive send or receive errors with Alert on first error 10 with the Alert on first error checked
Error msg after X consecutive send errors 5
Stop after X consecutive send errors 10
Stop after X consecutive receive errors Disabled
Stop after X consecutive erred messages Disabled
Attempt to keep channel running Disabled


3. The following settings will cause QIE to send a given message to the error queue after receiving a negative ACK message and then restart the channel after 5 consecutive messages error.

Feature Setting
Pause X milliseconds after each send or receive errors 5000
Alert every X consecutive send or receive errors with Alert on first error 10 with Alert on  first error checked
Error msg after X consecutive send errors Disabled
Stop after X consecutive send errors Disabled
Stop after X consecutive receive errors Disabled
Stop after X consecutive erred messages 5
Attempt to keep channel running Checked with pause 60 before restart


answered Jul 2, 2015 by gary-t-8719 (15,030 points)
edited Jul 2, 2015 by gary-t-8719