
Does Script Configuration code need to be uncommented when implementing the channel using a cron string?

0 votes
asked Jun 26, 2015 by (290 points)

There is source code in the Script Configuration tab of the XML node that instructs the user to uncomment the following lines when changing execution from continuous to a schedule using a cron string.

The channels are run on a schedule at some sites to ease the load on Jboss and the customers during heavy loads.

See the screen snip below:

Should this code be uncommented? If the answer depends on the cron-string when would this be uncommented and when is it okay to leave it commented out?

1 Answer

+1 vote
The code should be uncommented if scheduled, otherwise the while loop could keep going until a false is hit which would defeat the purpose of scheduling.  The break allows QIE to check and see if the scheduled time has elapsed, and if so stop.  Leave the code commented out, as defaulted, if the Execution is set to Continuous.
answered Jun 26, 2015 by amanda-w-3695 (4,840 points)