
CSV Deliminator - using a semicolon?

0 votes
asked Jun 12, 2015 by christian-h-2424 (120 points)
Have a CSV to HL7 interface I'm trying to build, and the customers first sample file, is using ; (semicolon) as the deliminator.

When using a sample message, it works fine in test.  But when trying to run through the channel as a full file, it gets hung up on the first header I'm looking for saying, it's unrecognized.

The path parser seems to be able to break it down just fine in the actual error view.

So just checking to see if the CSV importer is supposed to be able to handle any deliminator, or just the comma/tab.

Note:  I did check the importing data by find/replacing the ; to , and it does work with that set as the delim, so it's just the use of the ; that is making it act up.


1 Answer

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Yes it can use a semicolon.  Just change the HEX value for the seperator character as shown in the screen shot below.  The Hex code for a semi colon is 3B.  Here is one of many character mapping tables that can be found on the internet if you need to use any other character for the delimiter:

Note: Problems often occur when the data in a field contains the delimiter but was not properly qualified.  In the screen shot above it should be wrapped in a double quote.  For CSV rules and examples see this link:

answered Jun 12, 2015 by rich-c-2789 (16,630 points)