
Can I send Flags to Centricity or EMR from a QIE channel?

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asked Mar 24, 2015 by mike-r-7535 (13,830 points)

1 Answer

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GE has provided a Database Stored Procedure that can be called to send a flag to a user in CPS or CEMR. Here is some sample code on how to use it.


      try {

         var sysDate = qie.formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');

         if (isOracle) {

            qie.doQuery( channelCache.getValue('dbName'),

                        "CALL EXT_SEND_FLAG(" +

                        priority + ", '" +

                        qie.escapeSql(message) + "', " +

                        pvidList[i] + ", " +

                        "-2, " +

                        pid + ", " +

                        "to_date('" + qie.formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd') + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), '" +

                        subject + "')");

         } else {

            qie.doQuery( channelCache.getValue('dbName'),

                        "EXEC EXT_SEND_FLAG\n" +

                        " @p_level     = " + priority + ",\n" +

                        " @p_msg       = '" + qie.escapeSql(message) + "',\n" +

                        " @p_usernum   = " + pvidList[i] + ",\n" +

                        " @p_fromuser  = -2,\n" +

                        " @p_patientid = " + pid + ",\n" +

                        " @p_ddue      = '" + qie.formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd') + "',\n" +

                        " @p_subject   = '" + subject + "'");


      } catch (err) {

         qie.error("Error inserting flag to DB: " + err);

answered Mar 24, 2015 by mike-r-7535 (13,830 points)