
How should I resolve an "Out Of Memory Error" in QIE

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asked Mar 9, 2015 by gary-t-8719 (14,860 points)
retagged Jul 25, 2017 by amanda-w-3695

1 Answer

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Sometimes the errors says out of java heap space.

In most cases with a very few exceptions if you encounter a Out of Memory Error in QIE the best option would be to consider allocating more memory to the QIE Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Please also see "How much memory can I allocate to QIE on the 32 bit versus 64 bit version" knowledge base article to determine the appropriate amount of memory to allocate based on the version of QIE you are running, and how to change this value.


answered Mar 9, 2015 by gary-t-8719 (14,860 points)
edited Nov 27, 2018 by michael-h-5027