
does the QIE application/service have any command line interface type options?

0 votes
asked Dec 1, 2014 by greg-s-7348 (140 points)
I would like to see if any of the installation/configuration or monitoring/recovery can be scripted ( like with batch or powershell). (looking for interface options like for unattended install/configuration, status query, start-stop-restart)

1 Answer

0 votes

There are currently no options for start-stop-restart from the command line.  However QIE does have the ability to view a channel status from the command line.

To get the current version information you will call 'http://{qie-host}:{qie-port}/appVersion'.  This will return the version information for the QIE installation.

To get the channel status you will call 'http://{qie-host}:{qie-port}/channelStatus?{channel-id}'.  This will return the current state, and other information. The channel-id can be found in the channel properties window.


OK - [channelName] Running - QIE version: w.x.y, build z
OK - [channelName] Running (inbound = 3) - QIE version: w.x.y, build z
OK - [channelName] Running (inbound = 1, processing = 2, outbound = 1) - QIE version: w.x.y, build z
WARNING - [channelName] Running (processing = 11) - QIE version: w.x.y, build z
CRITICAL - [channelName] Running (processing = 21) - QIE version: w.x.y, build z
CRITICAL - [channelName] Running (errors = 2) - QIE version: w.x.y, build z
CRITICAL - [channelName] Stopped - QIE version: w.x.y, build z
CRITICAL - Channel Not Found - QIE version: w.x.y, build z
answered Dec 1, 2014 by ben-s-7515 (12,910 points)