
What are the options for the quoteValues parameter when creating a CSV?

0 votes
asked Nov 6, 2014 by (290 points)
When creating a csv message with "message.createCSV()" the first parameter is quoteValues. The default value is "surround individual values with quotes" and is true. Is this a boolean? If so, how would I only surround nodes/fields with double quotes only when they're populated, but not when they're empty. For example "8815","Lastname","Firstname","","","","5/15/1970" would look like "8815","Lastname","Firstname",,,,"5/15/1970" - the empty fields (nodes) would have no double quotes.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Thank you for the question. It appears that you have found a bug. We have opened a bug report (#1200) to address this issue. There is a work around that we can apply if you need an immediate solution that we would be happy to walk you through.
answered Nov 6, 2014 by gary-t-8719 (14,860 points)
commented Nov 6, 2014 by (290 points)
Thanks for the answer. I have thought of a workaround. I could disable text qualifiers in the message by default and manually add them to the node/field value as I assign it. I don't need an immediate fix, but if I do I will contact you.