
How do I add the reconcile form in Centricity using EFE or VFE?

0 votes
asked Oct 3, 2014 by michael-h-5027 (14,350 points)
Can I get EFE or VFE instructions for accessing the Qvera reconcile?

1 Answer

0 votes
EFE instructions:
If using EFE then copy the line below and paste it into your MEL Expression Builder.
ButtonFieldTemplate 12 8 243 32 [{RUNSHELLOPEN(str("Chrome.exe"), str("--app=http://localhost/form/form.html?appwin&referenceId=8ae18aaf392c400a01392c412e090000&loginname=",USER.LOGINNAME,"&patientid=",PATIENT.PATIENTID,"&visdocid=",DOCUMENT.VISDOCID,""))}{"Opened QIE Reconcile Form"}][][][][Open QIE Reconcile Form][0][4102][Arial:8:][0][]
VFE instructions:
If using VFE then add a button to your form and then copy the line below and then paste it into the RUNPROCESS text within two curly brackets.
RUNSHELLOPEN(str("Chrome.exe"), str("--app=http://localhost/form/form.html?appwin&referenceId=8ae18aaf392c400a01392c412e090000&loginname=",USER.LOGINNAME,"&patientid=",PATIENT.PATIENTID,"&visdocid=",DOCUMENT.VISDOCID,""))


answered Oct 3, 2014 by michael-h-5027 (14,350 points)