
How do I ensure that my text-based output file has both Carriage Return and Line Feed (CR/LF) at the end of each line?

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asked Jun 18, 2014 by matt-w-2627 (3,220 points)
My channel creates a text-based output file which has only Line-Feeds at the end of each line. the receiving system needs both Carriage-Returns as well as Line-Feeds. Is there a way to force this behavior?

1 Answer

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By default qie.createTextMessage will generate an output with LF (0A) at the end of each line.

to modify this, use message.setNode as well as StringUtils.replace the line encoding:

    message.setNode('/', StringUtils.replace(message, '\n', '\r\n'));

the above code will replace LF (0A) with CRLF (0D0A)
answered Jun 18, 2014 by matt-w-2627 (3,220 points)