
How can I create sub folders on my destination that do not exist?

0 votes
asked Mar 26, 2014 by michael-h-5027 (14,350 points)
I want my sub folders to be based on some dateTime or some other HL7 field value but the sub folders do not currently exist.

1 Answer

+2 votes

If you wanted to make a sub folder based on date you could use something similar to this:

var year = qie.formatDate('YYYY', qie.deduceDate(source.getNode('MSH-7')));

var month = qie.formatDate('MM', qie.deduceDate(source.getNode('MSH-7')));

var folder = "" + year + "-" + month;

var fullPath = qie.evaluateTemplate("\\\\ServerName\\Test-ADT\\New folder\\{c:folder}\\");

var fullPathDirectory = new;

if (!fullPathDirectory.exists()) {



messageCache.setValue('fullPath', fullPath);



For the destination node use the following:


answered Mar 26, 2014 by michael-h-5027 (14,350 points)
edited Mar 26, 2014 by mike-r-7535
commented Mar 10, 2016 by chris-m-8014 (760 points)
I had to modify 2 lines in the above code to make it work.

var fullPath = qie.evaluateTemplate("\\\\ServerName\\Test-ADT\\New folder\\{c:folder}\\");
var fullPath = qie.evaluateTemplate("\\\\ServerName\\Test-ADT\\New folder\\" + folder + "\\");

