
How to read in a file from code and use its contents?

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asked Mar 5, 2014 by rich-c-2789 (16,240 points)

1 Answer

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The code below demostrate reading in a file and consuming the content.  

NOTE: This is not the recommend way for setting up a channel that processes HL7 messages.  The use of HL7 is just to demostrate something that is familier.  A better way to consume HL7 messages stored in a directory is to configure the source node.

//Read in the file. The qie.readfile returns a byte[]
var fileBytes = qie.readFile(new"C:\\HL7\\in\\testFile.hl7"));

//Convert the bytes to a string
var stringifiedFileContents = new java.lang.String(fileBytes);
qie.debug("File contents: " + stringifiedFileContents);

//Convert the string to an HL7 message
var hl7Message = qie.parseHL7String(stringifiedFileContents);
qie.debug("The result of calling getNode: " + hl7Message.getNode('MSH-3'));

The output after running the above code:

Reading file: C:\HL7\in\testFile.hl7

File contents: MSH|^~\&|Just a test|

The result of calling getNode: Just a test

Also see this related question:


answered Mar 5, 2014 by rich-c-2789 (16,240 points)