
Why do I get this error: Java class "[B" has no public instance field or method named "toJSON"

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asked Mar 4, 2014 by rich-c-2789 (17,610 points)

Why do I get this error: Java class "[B" has no public instance field or method named "toJSON".  

I am trying to create json with values captured from calling some QIE apis found in the code wizard.  When I call JSON.stringify I get:

Java class "[B" has no public instance field or method named "toJSON".


1 Answer

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This error is usaually the result of using a Java object or string where a javascript string is expected.  The code wizard apis return java object/strings that need to be converted to JavaScript strings before being used in json.  To convert a string add an empty string ('').  Compare the differences in these three examples:


var myJavaScriptStringDate = '2014-02-03';
var somejson = {date:myJavaScriptStringDate};

var myConvertedToJavaScriptString = '' + qie.formatDate('yyyy-mm-dd', new java.util.Date(qie.deduceDate(qie.getSystemDate()).getTime()));
somejson = {date:myConvertedToJavaScriptString};

var myJavaStringDate = qie.formatDate('yyyy-mm-dd', new java.util.Date(qie.deduceDate(qie.getSystemDate()).getTime()));
somejson = {date:myJavaStringDate};

The first example is just a plain JavaScript string.  The second is converted to JavaScript.  The last one fails because the api returns a Java string that is not converted.  The last two example are the same except for the empty string that forces it to be converted.

Also see this question:


answered Mar 4, 2014 by rich-c-2789 (17,610 points)