
Is there a keyboard shortcut for easily commenting out lines of code?

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asked Dec 20, 2013 by gary-t-8719 (14,860 points)

1 Answer

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When using the Custom Code in QIE if you would like to easialy commment out lines of code there are two commands that can be used. Note the + in the shortcut que is used as a seperator for the different keys being used, and is not part of the key combiniation.

1. Commenting out a single line of code use: CTRL + /

Note: The single line of code can be used on multiple lines by highlighting all of the lines of code you want to comment out. This will use the single line of code format (e.g. //) for each line.

// code

// code

2. For commenting out multiple lines of code use: CTRL + SHIFT + /

Note: This format will comment out all lines of code that are highlighted by using a begin comment e.g. /* on the first line and and end comment e.g. */ on the last line.



answered Dec 20, 2013 by gary-t-8719 (14,860 points)
edited Jan 9, 2014 by gary-t-8719