
Is there any way to automate TLS certificate updates

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asked Feb 28 by favio-m-6030 (240 points)
I'm looking at adding a TLS certificate to secure a channel source. Looking at the problem of regular renewals, do we have any way or recommended best practice to automate the process of pushing a new certificate and update that specific configuration within Qvera?

1 Answer

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We currently do not have a way to update certificates automatically.  Certificates are not intended to be updated automatically due to the security of them.

If you use the management API to manage and update zone/channel configurations then you could update certificates as well. This would be a bigger setup for your environment and would require you to update the certificate and create a new config file that you then put into your management API setup or configuration.
answered Feb 28 by brandon-w-8204 (33,270 points)