
How can I create an "application shortcut" on my desktop that goes straight to QIE without any popup windows?

+1 vote
asked Nov 6, 2013 by matt-w-2627 (3,220 points)
Is there a way to create a shortcut that launches QIE as if it were a standard application?

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Yes,  create a new shortcut and point it to the Chrome browser using the following syntax in the "target" field:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"  --app=http://{address}:{port}/qie/launcher.html
answered Nov 6, 2013 by matt-w-2627 (3,220 points)
selected Nov 6, 2013 by matt-w-2627
commented Nov 7, 2013 by ron-s-6919 (4,480 points)
If you append "?appwin" to the end of the "target" field, then it won't open 2 windows each time you launch QIE.  The "target" field would therefore be:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"  --app=http://{address}:{port}/qie/launcher.html?appwin