
I am using {SYSTEM_DATE[yyyyMMddHHmmss]} as part of a system variable template but it does not seem to be working

0 votes
asked Jan 13, 2023 by daniel-d-7319 (270 points)
I am using {SYSTEM_DATE[yyyyMMddHHmmss]} as part of a system variable template but it does not seem to be working, the field remains blank when intialize the message wwith

message.setNode('/', qie.parseHL7String(qie.evaluateTemplate(qie.getVariable('ADT_Template'))));

The intersting segment in the system variable is defined as shown below.  The Channel Cache calls weem to be working just fine.


What am I doing wrong?

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

One of your node tags is not closed in the MSH-5:


answered Jan 13, 2023 by brandon-w-8204 (33,370 points)
selected Jan 13, 2023 by daniel-d-7319