
CSV is quoting fields even though "quote values" is set to false

0 votes
asked Sep 2, 2022 by nathan-c-4426 (540 points)

We have a channel that does a qie.evaluateTemplate() containing a node path that is not always valid (sometimes that path is not in the source message) and output the results to a CSV.  We notice that the portion of the CSV containing the invalid node tag is always quoted, even if though "quote values" is set to false.

Our code looks like this:



  "test1": "test",
  "test2": "test2"

channel code:


message = qie.createCSVMessage('', false, '"', ',', 'UTF-8', false);
var template = "Test 1 is {/test1},Test 2 is {/test2},Test 3 is {/test3}";
var templateOutput = qie.evaluateTemplate(template);
message.setNode('/', templateOutput);

after processing this is the CSV we get:

Test 1 is test,Test 2 is test2,"Test 3 is "

Why are we getting a quotes when we specifically asked NOT to have fields quoted?

2 Answers

0 votes
Leading and trailing spaces require quotes.


Here is a KB that shows how to trim the whitespace for this specific scenario.
answered Sep 2, 2022 by michael-h-5027 (14,350 points)
0 votes

QIE uses a 3rd party library to correctly parse CSV.  This library has some modes that it can be configured for.  Currently we support 2 modes:




We use ALL in the case where quotes around everything is the desired result, and we use "MINIMAL" when quotes are not desired.  MINIMAL usually results in no-quotes, however certain situations can still trigger quotes to be placed around fields.

Quotes are added when the cell ends with a space or any character with a lower numeric value i.e. tab or newline.

So in the case above because 'Test 3 is ' ends with a space when no value is provided, quotes are placed around the field. 

There are multiple work-arounds for when this occurs.  Heres a few for the example above:

1. Provide a dummy value 

// validate values aren't empty:
if (!message.checkNodeExists('/test3') || StringUtils.isEmpty(message.getNode('/test3'))) {
var template = "Test 1 is {m:/test1},Test 2 is {m:/test2},Test 3 is {m:/test3}";
var templateOutput = qie.evaluateTemplate(template);
message = qie.createCSVMessage('', false, '"', ',', 'UTF-8', false);
message.setNode('/', templateOutput);



2. Replace placeholder

var template = "Test 1 is {m:/test1}|**|,Test 2 is {m:/test2}|**|,Test 3 is {m:/test3}|**|";
var templateOutput = ("" + qie.evaluateTemplate(template)).replace(/\s*\|\*\*\|/g, '');
message = qie.createCSVMessage('', false, '"', ',', 'UTF-8', false);
message.setNode('/', templateOutput);

answered Sep 2, 2022 by nathan-c-4426 (540 points)