QIE supports using the "Procedure CALL Escape Sequence" but the curly braces need to be converted to numeric character references.
The syntax from https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13157_01/wlevs/docs30/jdbc_drivers/sqlescape.html is:
"A procedure is an executable object stored in the data store. Generally, it is one or more SQL statements that have been precompiled. The escape sequence for calling a procedure is:
{[?=]call procedure-name[([parameter][,parameter]...)]}
procedure-name specifies the name of a stored procedure.
parameter specifies a stored procedure parameter."
For use in QIE replace { with { and } with }
{[?=]call procedure-name[([parameter][,parameter]...)]}
NOTE: Calling stored procedures with vendor specific syntax is also supported.
For other examples of where curly braces need to be escaped see
How to escape curly braces in QIE?