
Installing QIE in the Google Cloud Platform

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asked Feb 4, 2020 by sam-s-1510 (2,820 points)
How do you install and configure QIE in the Google Cloud Platform?

1 Answer

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To quickly setup a QIE environment in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), perform the following steps:

  1. 1. Navigate to the Qvera Interface Engine page in Google Marketplace and click the LAUNCH ON COMPUTE ENGINE button.

  2. 2. In the Configure & Deploy window, enter or select appropriate values for zone, machine type, and so on. Click the Deploy button.

NOTE: Firewall rules will need to be setup before QIE can be accessed from outside the GCP environment. See the Firewall Rules Overview in the Google Cloud Platform documentation for more information.

answered Feb 4, 2020 by sam-s-1510 (2,820 points)