
Convert Base 64 PDF to UNC Location/Name and then Replace with Referenced UNC Location/Name

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asked Sep 4, 2019 by justin-g-4098 (200 points)
How do I get the embedded Base64 PDF data from an OBX segment (even if multiple OBX's exist), and then convert it to a regular PDF file and store it in a UNC path with a unique file name, and then replace the hl7 field in which the Base 64 PDF data originally was with the referenced UNC path and unique file name?

1 Answer

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Best answer

Below is a link to a sample channel that will base64 decode, write the file to a specified location and put the link back in the OBX.

Embedded PDF Sample

answered Sep 6, 2019 by amanda-w-3695 (4,840 points)
selected Sep 23, 2019 by justin-g-4098