
Connecting to SLQ Server 14.0.1000

0 votes
asked Sep 26, 2018 by paul-n-8046 (120 points)
Struggling to make a connection to MS SQL 14.0.1000

Ive checked all the online help but still cannot find the issue.

When i try to test the DB connection in Qvera im getting a time out?

All installed on a windows 10 PC running jre 8 (

Downloaded and put the sqljdbc42.jar file in the C:\ProgramData\QIEStd\lib then included it in Manage external libraries (restarted)

Checked password, username, Servername, port, DBName. Can connect from SQL management studio

Any help would be appreciated

1 Answer

0 votes


Is this a named instance by chance. I am guessing the port is not 1433 so you are timing out. Here is a KB to explain.

If that does not work just give us a call and we can assist.

answered Sep 27, 2018 by brandon-w-8204 (33,270 points)
commented Sep 27, 2018 by paul-n-9291 (100 points)
Hi Brandon,
thanks for the speedy response and actually wasting your time!
It wasn't a named instance (just the default) but embarrassingly id missed it needed the FQDN not just the hostname. Apologies, need to stop doing this stuff so late!! :-)