
How to send email acknowledgement/notification on file transfer from one folder to another folder?

0 votes
asked Jul 30, 2018 by (330 points)
I have configure a channel which simply transfer a file from 1st folder to 2nd folder, now on recieving the file in 2nd folder i want to send an acknowlement mail on any email id,so my question is how and where do i configure all my email account details and what should be the mapping script please  send  me whole end to end explaination with snapshots and mapping script.

thanx in advance.

1 Answer

+1 vote

In the mapping node you can add:

qie.sendEmail('to', 'subject', 'body', attachments*);

This will allow you to send a email with what you want to who you want. Make sure the SMTP settings are set in the system administration:

answered Jul 30, 2018 by brandon-w-8204 (33,270 points)
commented Jul 31, 2018 by (330 points)
for me, it's working absolutely fine . thanx a lot..