
How to configure a  channel or an endpoint for TCP Protocol which can listen hl7 messages and save them in a folder?

0 votes
asked Jul 25, 2018 by (330 points)
How to configure a  channel in qvera or how to create an endpoint for TCP Protocol so that i can send hl7 message from hl7 inspector to that channel endpoint and that channel can read the hl7 message and write it into a folder.

please send me the whole configurations for source ,process and destination.

1 Answer

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You can configure QIE to listen on a socket from the Source Node and the selecting Socket as the source and then selecting the Socket Configuration tab. From this tab, you can specify the port number you wish to have the channel listen on.

To write the file out to a file destination you can configure the outbound node or purple node to write to a file.

answered Jul 25, 2018 by gary-t-8719 (14,860 points)