
How do I add items to a URL Encoded Rest WS Call?

0 votes
asked Nov 17, 2017 by aritra-k-6337 (400 points)
edited Nov 22, 2017 by brandon-w-8204
I need to add the following to a rest URL Encoded WS call. How can I do this.

givenName, lastName, dob, gender

1 Answer

0 votes

The URL encoded items are add with the parmater map. You put the values in and pass the paramater map to the ws call:

var parameterMap = qie.newParameterMap();
parameterMap.put("givenName", "myFirstName");
parameterMap.put("lastName", "myLastName");
parameterMap.put("dob", "19700101");
parameterMap.put("gender", "U");

var value = qie.callWebService(
   "My Webservice Connection",
   "CCD Export",


answered Nov 22, 2017 by brandon-w-8204 (33,820 points)