
How does qie.getFileName work in the test window?

+1 vote
asked May 10, 2017 by brandon-w-8204 (33,270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

In the .44 release it will always return Test_Message.txt for that call from the test window.

In .45 release we have updated it to do the following:

1. Enhanced the test window to use the sample message description as the file name, for the above calls.
2. Enhanced the test window to use the message filename if it has one, or "Test_Message.txt" if it does not.

Note: An informational message stating the following is always added to the logs when qie.getFileName is used in the test window:

getFileName() called from test window.  Return value fabricated for testing purposes only.
NOTE: getFileName() will only return a value if the message was received from a file source (File, NetworkShare, and FTP).

answered May 10, 2017 by brandon-w-8204 (33,270 points)
edited May 10, 2017 by terrie-g-7436