Generally, we recommend migrating away from the H2 when the database has grown to over 2 to 4 GB, but it depends on the resources of the server. Although we have seen an H2 database as large as 8+ GB this is not recomended for stability reasons.. If you do not have a database preference, we recommend migrating to MariaDB.
Migrating to another database is fairly simple. If the server has multiple processors and enough memory, you should be fine installing the database locally on the QIE server. Here are the steps I recommend taking:
Install your database software
Create a QIE database/schema
Create a QIE user which has permissions to the database
Update the QIE Service Manager to use the new database
Restart QIE
Import the QIE configuration
In migrating to a new database, we only migrate the configurations. So you have all the configurations, but an empty message history.
It should take less than an hour, with the actual down time of QIE being a few minutes.