
Error after new install I get a "503" error in browser and "Illegal use of nonvirtual function call" in log file

0 votes
asked Mar 1, 2016 by rich-c-2789 (17,490 points)

I just installed QIE.  After trying to set it up to use Microsoft Sql Server I get a 503 error when I trying navigating to QIE in a browser.  When I check the log files I see this error:

2016-02-29 18:47:43,717 GMT [main] ERROR org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.BasicLazyInitializer - Javassist Enhancement failed: 
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: com/qvera/qie/web/persistable/zone/PublishedFunctionParameter_$$_javassist_26, method: _d30thenComparingDouble signature: (Ljava/util/function/ToDoubleFunction;)Ljava/util/Comparator;) Illegal use of nonvirtual function call
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredFields(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.getField0(Unknown Source)
This is followed by several "UnsUccessful" create table statements.


1 Answer

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A 503 error in the browser is most commonly due to a database issue.  In this case check for a typo in the dialect configuration and make sure the dialect matches the database type.  For Microsoft Sql Server 2014 the dialect should be as listed below.  If there is a typo then it defaults to the H2 dialect which is not compatible with Sql Server.

Also see this question with additional info on how to fix 503 errors:

How to trouble shoot installation problems

answered Mar 1, 2016 by rich-c-2789 (17,490 points)