
How can I add the QIE shortcut to the desktop from within Chrome.

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asked Oct 15, 2015 by gary-t-8719 (14,860 points)

1 Answer

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To add the QIE shortcut on the desktop from within Chrome:

1. Open Chrome browser

2. Type in QIE shortcut http://{QIEServerName}/launcher.html or localhost if on the QIE server

   Note: Don't forget to add the port number if required http://{QIEServerName}:{portNumber}/launcher.html or localhost:8080

3. From the first QIE window that opens (not the login screen) click on the chrome browwser menu (button with three lines).

4. Choose More Tools and select "Create Application Shortcut" and choose to create on Desktop


With Chrome version 44 or newer the Create Application Shortcut is gone but you may be able to get the menu option back by:

1. At address bar, go to chrome://flags      ];

2. Find 'Enable the new bookmark app system' using  CTRL + F ;

3. Change the flag status at drop-down menu from 'Default' (or 'Enabled') to [ Disabled   v ];

4. Click the [  RELAUNCH NOW  ] button at the bottom, Chrome will restart;

5. Check the 'More tools      >' once again,  the 'Create application shortcut...' item is restored;

6. Then follow the steps outlined above.


Create an Application Shortcut yourself, you can use the following procedure:

1. Copy the Chrome Icon shortcut to the computer desktop

2. Right-click the copied icon and select "Properties"

3. In the Target box, at the very end put a  space  and then type the following URL


Note: Don't forget to add the port number if required. --app=http://{QIEServerName}:{PortNumber}/qie/console.html?appwin

1. Using the current option, add it to taskbar
2. Go to chrome://apps/
3. Right click on that item and click "Create Shortcuts"
4. You will get option to add to desktop from here ;)
5. After adding it to desktop, you can get rid of it by again right clicking and "Remove from chrome"


answered Oct 15, 2015 by gary-t-8719 (14,860 points)
edited Oct 15, 2015 by gary-t-8719