
How do I associate certificates with my QIE connections?

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asked Jul 2, 2015 by gary-t-8719 (14,860 points)
I understand that there are two certificates involved in a Client Authenticated SSL/TLS connection. One for the receiving entity (HIE, Registry, HISP, Portal) and one for the sending entity (IDN's, Hospital, Clinic). My question is how do I associate the two certificates with my connection?

1 Answer

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For the purposes of this conversation we will use the name of Millennial Health System (MHS) as the sending entity, and The Great HIE (TGH) as the receiving entity.

Once both MHS and TGH certificates have been imported into QIE they then can be associated with a connection. This connection can either be a Web Service connection or a Secure Client Socket connection.

If the SSL/TLS connection is for a Web Service then the certificates will be applied in the Web Services connection page within QIE. To associate the certificates with a given connection:

1. Navigate to the Web Service Connections page and select the Web Service. At the bottom of the web service setup there will be two options.

1. The first option is Labeled "Trust Policy". From this drop down menu you will select TGH certificate.

2. The second option is labeled "Client Auth". After checking the check box you will then be able to select the MHS certificate. If "Client Authentication" sometimes referred to as "Mutual Authentication" is not required then just the "Trust Policy" certificate is needed.

3. The last step is to select on the Purple Destination node the Web Service connection.

If the SSL/TLS connection is for a Secure Client Connection then the certificates will be associated with the connection either at the Green Source node or Purple Destination node level.

1. First select the Purple Destination node the SSL/TLS connection is desired on and after selecting "Secure Client Connection as the connection type there will be two options.

1. The first option is Labeled "Trust Policy". From this drop down menu you will select TGH certificate.

2. The second option is labeled "Client Auth". After checking the check box you will then be able to select the MHS certificate. If "Client Authentication" sometimes referred to as "Mutual Authentication" is not required then just the "Trust Policy" certificate is needed.


This question is part of 3 questions that will walk a user through Obtaining, Installing and Using a certificate in QIE.

How do you obtain a certificate for use within QIE

How do I install a certificate into QIE

How do I assocaite a certificate with my connection in QIE

answered Jul 2, 2015 by gary-t-8719 (14,860 points)