
In PV1-3 there are multiple occurances such as 4 for example. How can I just pull out 2 of the 4.

0 votes
asked Sep 9, 2020 by douglas-l-4571 (190 points)
Example: PID|1||2200216279^^^0^UI~1005274^^^2^CMRN~916759^^^1^HMRN~1003277^^^3^AMRN||INTERFACE^TEST1^^^^||.  How can I just pass the 2200216279^^^0^UI~916759^^^1^HMRN to the receiving system.  I can pass 1 occurance but not 2.

1 Answer

0 votes
You can reference each patient ID by the instance if they will always be the first and third.


message.setNode('PID-3', source.getNode('PID-3[1]') + '~' + source.getNode('PID-3[3]'));
answered Sep 9, 2020 by michael-h-5027 (14,390 points)
commented Sep 9, 2020 by douglas-l-4571 (190 points)
No, they will not always be the same instance.  Here is the code I used to pull out 1 instance

var pid3Count = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(message.getNode('PID-3'), '~').length;
for (var i = pid3Count; i > 0; i--) {
   var pid3 = message.getNode('PID-3[' + i + ']');
   if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(pid3, 'UI')) {
      message.setNode('PID-3', source.getNode('PID-3['+ i +']'));
   } else {
      message.removeLastNode('PID-3[' + i + ']');
commented Sep 9, 2020 by michael-h-5027 (14,390 points)
var pid3Count = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(message.getNode('PID-3'), '~').length;
var newPid3;
var foundPid3 = false;
for (var i = pid3Count; i > 0; i--) {
   var pid3 = message.getNode('PID-3[' + i + ']');
   if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(pid3, 'UI')) {
      if (foundPid3) {
         newPid3 = newPid3 + '~' + source.getNode('PID-3['+ i +']');
      } else {
         newPid3 = source.getNode('PID-3['+ i +']');
         foundPid3 = true;
   if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(pid3, 'HMRN')) {
      if (foundPid3) {
         newPid3 = newPid3 + '~' + source.getNode('PID-3['+ i +']');
      } else {
         newPid3 = source.getNode('PID-3['+ i +']');
         foundPid3 = true;

message.setNode('PID-3', newPid3);
commented Sep 9, 2020 by douglas-l-4571 (190 points)
Works perfectly!  Thank you,
