
Where can I find information about setting up a RabbitMQ environment?

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asked Nov 11, 2019 by mike-r-7535 (13,830 points)
In QIE 4.0.47, QIE EnterpriseHA can use RabbitMQ to queue messages between QIE Instances.  Where can I find information about setting up a RabbitMQ environment?

1 Answer

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RabbitMQ can be setup in a number of ways.  I recommend starting here:

In the context of setting up QIE EnterpriseHA, a clustered environment should also be considered. There are several approaches that can be taken to make a cluster of RabbitMQ nodes:

NOTE: High Availability is only supported in QIE Enterprise edition.  QIE Standard edition does not support High Availability.

answered Nov 12, 2019 by mike-r-7535 (13,830 points)