
I need to encrypt a file in PGP before uploading it to a FTP site. What is the best way to do this?

0 votes
asked Aug 7, 2019 by bob-l-8822 (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

1. Generate your PGP keys using an application or website.

2. Save the PGP private key and the PGP public key. I used and saved the raw results as system variables in QIE without editing either key. 

3. Either reference the keys via filepath or add them as system variables in QIE

4. You can now encrypt and decrypt using custom functions in QIE.

Click this link to the sample Qvera channel with the example PGP keys included as system variables. 

answered Aug 7, 2019 by michael-h-5027 (14,350 points)