
How do you update the Java path in the QIE Service Manager?

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asked Jun 27, 2018 by brandon-w-8204 (33,370 points)
edited Apr 18 by amanda-w-3695
How do I point QIE to the newest Java version?

1 Answer

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You will need to connect to the qvera server and do the following:

1. Stop QIE form the QIE Service Manager
2. go to to download Amazon Corretto JRE. 
     Note: Use to go to the Amazon Corretto Download Page for other OS's.
3. Once it is downloaded install it following standard prompts.
4. Update the java path in the qie service manager.

5. Click apply after the update and go the general tab and start qie.

Note: If you are upgrading to Java 17, these steps will need to be followed too.

answered Jun 27, 2018 by brandon-w-8204 (33,370 points)
edited Apr 18 by amanda-w-3695